Coming Out

I hate the term "Coming Out" but in many cases it was very true for me, for just over 20 years I had hidden aspects of my life from people even those closest to me.
When I began my "New Life" I decided I would "come out" but it would be much harder as I no longer lived near anyone and had to rely on social media something of which I am actually not much of a fan of in the first place.
I decided to let it out in steps and see how people would take things.
My first step was to announce to people I was infact Bi, I had made key to announce as Bi-Curious and then after another few months and some shall we say experimenting I announced I was Bi-Sexual, during this time I had also gathered a few friends in my new life and decided to try telling them first, they said if I was going to tell them about being bi they knew and were accepting of this a similar reaction to what most other people had said but I took my time and finally announced to them that I "may be" transgender, even though I truly knew I was and had for some many years, Gender Dysphoria had not yet been diagnosed.
Finally I decided to go "global" and post onto Facebook and Twitter.
A few people seemed to disappear from them, whilst I also saw some random new people send requests, some other people had not spoke to me at all and in fact still to this day have not, whilst a few sent me private messages saying they were accepting of how I am, some said they had kind of known or had feelings I was. I guess you could say that was when I really found out who my true friends were and how much my family supported me.
Very little I must say and to both.
