
Showing posts from 2015


From the moment I "began my new life" I knew I would use it as a chance to start my "transition" i had done some research over many years finding out how to go about things. So upon moving to a new area I decided I would slowly start to augment the "living in role" aspect into my life and not so slowly began collecting bits of clothing, within a few months of moving into a shared property I had already developed a fair amount of ladies clothing, accessories and items, but knowing I was exactly the most feminine looking I began slowly adapting. I started by just wearing underwear (bra knickers/thong and girls socks) slowly I began to get confident enough like this that I started wearing other parts of clothing such as trousers, tops and jumpers that were a little less obvious, but implementing a slightly more feminine look every time I felt comfortable enough with where I had got to. (Publicly) During this time I was also trying to convince my doctor to ref

Coming Out

I hate the term "Coming Out" but in many cases it was very true for me, for just over 20 years I had hidden aspects of my life from people even those closest to me. When I began my "New Life" I decided I would "come out" but it would be much harder as I no longer lived near anyone and had to rely on social media something of which I am actually not much of a fan of in the first place. I decided to let it out in steps and see how people would take things. My first step was to announce to people I was infact Bi, I had made key to announce as Bi-Curious and then after another few months and some shall we say experimenting I announced I was Bi-Sexual, during this time I had also gathered a few friends in my new life and decided to try telling them first, they said if I was going to tell them about being bi they knew and were accepting of this a similar reaction to what most other people had said but I took my time and finally announced to them that I "may